INFO 340 - L10 - April 28, 2004 Recall some Definitions > Atomic Values - A vale that cannot be divided anymore > Fully Functionally Dependent - Can include composite keys/attributes. Has a requirement that two or more attributes are required to create a dependency. > Transitive Dependency - Chaining of attributes. A1 -> A2 -> A3 > 1st Normal Form > 2nd Normal Form > 3rd Normal Form Aaron joins the party Project Feedback Audience > Develop a clear picture for your audience - Who are they? - What do they do now? - What tone to seek? - What to gloss over? - What to go into detail over? Presentation > Page numbers > Bullets > Headings > Etc.. Focus > We really appreciate comments about usability/human-centered design, etc.. > However, there is insufficient time to spend on the DB/IR stuff.. > Spend time on the technical integrity & cohesion of your solution - not the UI Scope > Be VERY careful about feature creep - Deliverables 2-4 set out functional requirements - Note, for example: No USER Entity - Small, complete, thoughtful implementation is far superior to large, incomplete project Sections > In introduction, you can cover - General user experience - Your particular twist - You emphasis on Data Definition and Data Access Goals > Functional goals > Non functional goals - Extensibility - Performance - Portability > Personal goals and learning goals can be included in the appendix