INFO 380 - 4/15/2004 - Interviewing Notes By: Egaas, Fortier, Prins 20% of our grades!! Will be grading the interviewing instrument. Due on the 22nd next Thursday. If interviewing multiple persons, turn in multiple instruments. Write-up could be brief, but it needs to cover everything that you plan to cover. No data. Just the instrument. 20% of grade. Note in write-up: Objectives Why you conducted them What individual Goals you had 4/29 Feasibility Study DUE Organizational/Client Overview > Who are they > What do they do? > How big are they? > Money? (doubtful) Feasibility Study Results > Intro (This section covers...) > What is a Feasibility Study > Our study > Three Facets of Feasability Technology Economics Operational Conclusion > What decision has been made? > What shape will the rest of your study take? > Have in there a reasoning on why you chose the organization you did. *** LECTURE *** Structured and Unstructured Interviews > A completely structured interview is planned and the plan is strictly followed (Closed questions) > Closed questions are the basis of structured interviews > An unstructured interview is conversational (off the cuff) (Ad-hoc) (60 minutes interviews) Ten Tradeoffs: Structured and Unstructured Interviews > Evaluation > Flexibility > Amount of time required > Interviewee insight provided > Training Required > Interviewer control > Spontaneity Allowed > Precision > Reliability > Breadth and depth all of these are a continuum, trade SOME flexibility for more Evaluation Adjust Recording the Interview > Ask BEFORE arriving, don't wait until the interview is about to begin > Interviews can be recorded with tape recorders or notes > Audio recording should be done with permission and understanding > Can relax about taking notes about responses, leaves more time for you to focus on body language. -- Take notes don't depend on the recorder > It could FAIL > use a computer, we all have mics on our macs -- they might want that visual idea that they are being recorded though...the recorder on the table > Transcribing is laborious Ask the Interviewee where they would be more comfortable. Advantages of Audio Recording the Interview > The four advantages are - Providing a completely accurate record of what each person said - Freeing the interviewer to listen and respond more rapidly - Allowing better eye contact and better rapport - Allowing replay of the interview for other team members Disadvantages of Audio Recording the Interview > The four disadvantages are - Possibly making the interviewee nervous and less apt to respond freely - Possibly making the interviewer less apt to listen since it is all being recorded - Difficulty in locating important passages on a long tape - Increasing costs of data gathering Advantages of Note Taking During Interviews > Keeping the interviewer alert > Aiding recall of important questions > Helping recall of important interview trends > Showing interviewer interest in the interview > Demonstrating the interviewer's preparedness Disadvantages of Note Taking During Interviews > Losing vital eye contact > Losing the train of conversation > Making the interviewee hesitant to speak when notes are being made > Causing excessive attention to facts and to little attention to feelings and opinions Before the Interview > Contact the interviewee and confirm the interview > Dress appropriately - Don't look worse than Green > Arrive a little early > Affirm that you are present and ready to begin the interview Beginning the Interview > Shake hands > Remind them of your name and why you are there > Take out note pad, tape recorder > Make sure the tape recorder is working Opening Questions > Start with pleasant conversation, open-ended questions > Listen closely to early responses > Look for metaphors During the Interview > The interview should not exceed 45 minutes to an hour > Make sure that you are understanding what the interviewee is telling you > Ask for definitions if needed > Use probing questions Closing the Interview > Always ask "Is there anything else that you would like to add?" > Summarize and provide feedback on your impressions > "Is there anything you'd like to add or elaborate on?" > Ask whom you should talk with next > Set up any future appointments > Thank them for their time and shake hands Interview Report > Write as soon as possible after the interview > Provide an initial summary, then more detail > Review the report with the respondent > This is not transcription, but interpretations and impressions THANK ------ YOU!