INFO 440 - L16 - November 23, 2004 Notes By: Prins, Fortier, Egaas, Podhola Prototypes What is a prototype? > A concrete but partial implementation of a system design > A sketch > A tangible target - For your team - For your users > An appeasement Fidelity From Low to High > Pencil Prototype > Wireframe > The more specific your prototype looks, the more "bad" feedback you'll get. Finalize your lo-fi stuff to not confuse reality. > Be careful between high and low polished as they can cause confusion. Tasks, activities, features, function, interaction, interface > User Land - a *Task* (or activity) is something the user sees as a single action. - An *interaction* is a string of tasks to get to a wider goal. - An *interface* collects up all the tasks and interactions and shows them to the user. > Designer Land - A *function* is something that your back end system is capable of - A *feature* is the UI you create to expose functionality in a way that is meaningful to your users. What UI is right? multiple dimensions like: - Intereraction Complexity - Need/Usage - User Sophistication _________ /| | / | | / |________| int / / / era | /need/ / cti | / usage / on | / / comp |/________/ lexi user sophistication ty The more I need it the more I'll put up with it Up the left side: Interaction complexity Down the middle: need/usage On the bottom: User sophistication but it don't matter which axis each is on How much functionality? > The least possible--only what is needed > Simulate without BECOMING the app > Bluff where ever possible > Be prepared to improvise > Stump off gracefully > Use pictures in addition to controls UI moves you through tasks and content > UI as a guide through the content domain > Want to have a prototype that shows both things, but focus on the information Let's run through the lab > collect up - Interaction (use case) and essentials - Metaphors and user experience elements - Subject taxonomy - Content type > Bring them all together in a sequence of Web pages # END # ## Jamieless Chat ## Jamie is too cool for our notes :( =/ I think Jamie isn't cool ENOUGH for our notes. Too much man power? 3mp. So... when I'm afk, we're at 75% mp. do your math right bitch I can't, I'm an Info major. besides, you said 3 mp, it should be 4, so I did 2/3 instead of 3/4. wtf is MP. Man Powerz?!? (see up a few lines) You're playing WOW? no, I keep wow off this lappy no, I was typing up quiz questions. If you need ASCII Art, you let me know. *nod* Please deface picture below. jesus that's hilarious.... aaaaaCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccCCCCCCCCCCCCCCaaaaaaaa aaCCCCCCCCCCCCCCcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccCCCCCCCCCCCCCaaaaaa aCCCCCCCCCCCccccccccccccccccccccCCccCccccccccccccccccccccccCCCCCCCCCCCaaaa CCC|\CCCCcccccccccccccccccaaCSSSSSaaaCaaCCaCcccccccccccccccc^ccCCCCCCCCaaC CCC| |ccccccccccccccccCSSSSASaSASSaSaCaCacCCSCCccccccccccccc||cccCCCCCCCCC CCC| \cccccccccccccCSSSaSSCCSSASCSSSCSSccCCcaaCcccccccccccc||ccccccCCCCCC Ccc| \__ccccccccCaSASSCSSSCSaASaSSCcaaCCCcCCcCccrrrrrccccc| \cccccccCCCC ccc| --------CSCaSSSSSScSSSCCSCCCcrrCccccrCcccrrrrrrr-- \ccccccccCC ccc| CacCSSSSSSSaaCaCCCCccCaScrcCcrccrr------- |cccccccccC ccc\ CaSSAAAASSASSSSSSSSSSCccrIrrrrCacr / rccccccccc cccc---- CCSAAAAAAASSAAAASAASScrI,,.. ,rrccc ----rrrrrrcccccc crrrrrrr--------aSSSASSSCCCCCaCccccI,. 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ISASSSSSCaaCCCCCCCCccccccrI SSSSSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASCcrrI,,,,..,rCAAASSSSSSaaaaCCaaaCCCCCCCCCcc SSSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSCaaCCaaaaaaaCaCCCCCCCC SAASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSAAASSaSCCaaCCCaSaaSSSaaaCaCCaC AAAASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSaaSSaaCaaCCCaaaSSSSSSaSSaaSS AAAASSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOMGRYAN!AAAAAAASSSSSSSSaSSSaaCaaaCOMGSaSSSSSSSSS pwnsSSSSSSSSaaaaaSaCCaaSSSSSSSSSSSSSS AAAAASSSAAAAAAAAASAAASSAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSaCaSSaCCCaSSSSSSSSSSSSS thasnks guys :) good thing I took a ss haha nooooo,!!! I made you cry. isn't this credit/nocredit? yes... he's talking project so... own your section :) wtf... ok I can't stop laughing about the hair WTS 20 Linen Cloth, 10s, PST LFG WC 20+ Only PLZ ^^ do I get mad propz or what? $Dan_Props++; ohhh yeah :) interaction is too god damn long of a word. Dan and Aaron... pwn our prototype! if your ASCII art face was the prototype, I think we just pwned it. lol