INFO 447 - L04 - January 14, 2005 Notes by: Fortier, Rose, Egaas, Horm, Prins, Serim ** Rear View Mirror paper ** - Looks at how people who are geographically separated work together - geographically in terms of Seattle to Japan - Did it bring anything new to the table? - group chat already exists in other systems - the picture was new at the time - Ability to change icon (represents persona) Home brew or ready made? Home Brew: Advantages: easy to control server/network/client able to strip out unnecessary features Disadvantages: more work! ready made: Advantages: previously tested, tried and true more features Deployment - Focus on pairs - One-on-One training - Problem because what do you go online alone? - You need a group to train the users on groupware - Opt-in policy - German Law - Researchers built this to monitor and track, union rep wanted opt-in Usage Statistics - Wanted to get critical mass, but they really got about 10% of users on the first iteration - In the second iteration they had two groups: management and architects * Management had forced use, but had very little message traffic How the changed deployment - The automated registration - Train in teams - Introduce persistence in group chat - Bug Fixes - Insights - "water cooler" talk vs work talk - early adopters is not enough to get critical mass - individual users make individual choices about using buggy software - group application has to hit a higher standard - how do companies deal with this then? - needs to explain the problem it is trying to solve ** y do tngrs luv 2 txt msg? ** - 10 teenagers (5 male / 5 female) - logged messages - discussion - Language was/is evolving - Can do it anywhere (with reception) - Quicker since you skip over pleasantries - Which means cheaper - Socially safer Problems with study: - Possibly changed habits of participants - Required subjects to carry a log, doubtful that they used it 100% Issues of Usage - Discretionary usage vs. mandatory usage - Teenagers text message because they want to (discretionary) - Chat in the workplace was mandated (mandatory) - Technology push: a technology is being pushed onto users - Technology pull: users are drawn to a technology Next Readings: Video conferencing and ... Communication is focus, not job task #END#