INFO 447 - L09 - February 2, 2005 Notes By: Serim, Prins, Fortier, Yaptinchay, Egaas, Podhola, Rose, Serim... but mostly Prins The Votes: - Ishii '92: 0 - Dourish '92: 3 - Schmidt '02: 11 - Fitzpatrick '02: 0 - Cadiz '02: 4 What is awareness? - It can mean a lot of different things. - It isn't anything by itself. You need something to define it. - An understanding of social context. * Things in the background. Where people are, what they are doing, etc... - Provides context for your own activity. - So you can align and integrate your work with others in a seamless manner. - What are some indirect indicators that can tell you what is going on? - It is not complete information about what is going on Some examples of where we use awareness on a daily basis? - IM - Driving down the road - Walking through campus - Weather * It could be incomplete... the weather changes... awareness is not static - Musician - Team Sport - pet/family Add context to awareness. ClearBoard Article - Gaze Awareness Dourish Paper - Lab study by a group of designers - Utilized a collaborative authoring tool - They designed a post office to improve the flow of packages - Coordinating of activity - Sharing of content Focus & Nimbus - Focus: What a participant is actively attending to - Nimbus: The cues or information that a participant is giving off - When someone's Focus intersects someone else's Nuimbs then they are aware - Focus is what each individual controls # END #