INFO 447 - L12 - February 11, 2005 Notes By: Prins, Horm The Vote: Begole '02: I Reddy '02: II Fisher '04: VI Begole '04: 0 Horvit '04: II DNR: I This work rhythm stuff is cutting edge stuff, but how are we going to build a system to support this? Work Rhythm Paper by Begole - Awarenix - Logged every minute on whether or not they were active - Checked e-mail sending and receiving - Tried to find patterns * Lunch * Times at desk * Etc... - Wanted to get a general idea on when they are in or out and to then integrate that into a calendaring system Useful for? - Load balancing - Scheduling Not so useful for students - By the time you get enough data, schedule changes A Finger on the Pulse by Reddy & Dourish - Looked at aspects of shift changes, patient rotations @ ICU (intensive care unit) - Larger and finer grain rhythms - How information retrieval went as a group - Looking at temporal rhythms - How the past information effects future actions/information Large Scale Rhythms - Nursing Shifts * 12 hour shifts - Morning Rounds * Done about every hour... less elsewhere - Movement of patients - Arrival of patients - Residents' work - Tension * When cycles collide Finer-Grained Rhythms - Lab Results * Ask for them early, need them later - Medication Administration * If they are not awake, they'll come back to administer it later - Drug Response Times Social and temporal Structures by Fisher - Referenced McDonald - TellMeAbout Soylent - They were trying to find for single user applications, not group apps * user interested in their own info - Referenced Kevin Bacon (6 degrees of separation) What makes it interesting? - Think of the social network to better enable you to do work - I can't tell ya... I didn't read this one - Awareness and Attention Then Dan talks about the BusyBody one Wrapping Up - This is just scratching the surface - Some interesting things can be done here #END#