INFO 447 - L14 - February 18, 2005 - aka THE BORING CLASS Notes by: Egaas, Prins, Horm, Fortier,Serim The Multiple Views of Inter-organizational Authoring Collaborative Authoring - Wide range of studies * Very active up to the mid 1990's > Died around 1995 * Systems development > A lot of good system studies (ShrEdit) * Lab Study * Field Trials * Field Study * Surveys Collaborative Authoring: Changes - Better Infrastructure * Shared file systems, web servers, WebDAV, email attachments - Better communication * Instant Messaging (IM), presence, email - Better Application Sharing * NetMeeting, WebEx Collaborative Authoring: Changes - Technical changes enable... * Wider geographic distribution * More participants - Competing/conflicting goals * Workflow assistance * Better awareness - Draft passing is still predominant :( Study Focus - Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG) * Develop/write clinical cancer research protocols * Not quite meeting the requirements of their charter - SWOG Management * Improve protocol authoring in SWOG * Better control of process -> better production Differentiation - Contrasting this work to prior studies - Longer term collaboration * Average length > 6 months - Number of collaborators * Often 6-12 people - Level of complexity * Multi-disciplinary * Document length longer * Differing organizational affiliation * Dependencies Quick Outline - Collaborative Authoring - Study Focus - Background - Process Conceptions - Reflections - Future Directions /** Note break while he talks about clinical protocols **/ Loosely Coupled versus Tightly Collaboration - Relationship between two people in a workgroup Specific Problems - Tools * The struggle with MS Word - Track changes, merge - Document management * Paper based version control - Awareness & coordination * Email is overloaded - Event notification, messaging, document sharing Future Work - Continuing with SWOG * System development - Chunhua Weng's Thesis (collaborator) * Evaluation - A challenge - can't do a full adoption study - NCI plans to deploy a tool - Exploring other technical writing areas # END #