Back to Normal

It’s nice to be back to my normal self. I think I am finally done being sick. I’ve been able to drink and eat normally again and it’s so nice after being sick for about three weeks. So, yea, you could say that I’m more than happy to be back. At any rate, here’s a shot from our weekend camping trip to Deception Pass Park.

Through the Trees

Strep Throat is not Fun

In the never ending saga of me being sick, a new chapter has been written. It is titled “Week 3: Strep Throat”.

Since Labor Day I have basically been sick. If it wasn’t the cold, it was something else, if it wasn’t that, it was the cold. Now, just when I thought I was getting better, it got worse. My throat had been feeling funny since about this time last week and I thought it might just go away. But, after a week of it not going away, it was time to see my third doctor in three weeks.

While doing the strep test in my throat, the doctor said he didn’t even need to wait for the results. I had strep. Yea, it was that bad. So, now I’m on penicillin for the next ten days. I can already feel my throat improving, but I know that it will be a gradual process. I just hope that before my 5 hour meeting at Microsoft on Friday my throat is better than it is now. That, and I don’t want my throat to be a huge issue this weekend when we go camping.

So, here’s to penicillin and hoping that it makes me better in a short amount of time.

Home Sick

I think that this might be the first time I’ve taken sick days since I started working at Avanade. My body is just not up to doing normal tasks today and after spending a couple hours at Microsoft today, I decided that it was best for me to head home and get better. So, I’ve been drinking lots of water and trying to relax in order to help my body heal. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be back near normal and can actually put in a full working day.