One Icon for All Feeds?

Recently on the IE Blog they announced that they were going to use the same feed icon that Firefox uses. I think that using the icon in IE7 will be great for users and to at least get some consistency between the various browsers. To take it a step further, Matt Brett developed a site for promoting the new icon. I think that it is a great site that can have some influence for others to adopt the icon in their technologies.

The one concern that I have has to do with visibility of what it stands for. Yes, I know what it means, but I am am a syndication whore. But, will my Dad know what it means? It is people like my Dad who, in my opinion, we should be worried about. We should be worrying about those who are new to syndication and have no clue what it is or what it is about. The icon should make it easier for them, not more difficult.

Personally, I don’t think that Real Simple Syndication or Atom is ubiquitous enough yet to go from to . I think that the new icon should be incorporated into how syndication is presented on the web, but not completely replace it. Not yet. Over time, as syndication becomes more ubiquitous, I think that it might be able to be used on it’s own. But, I just don’t think that we’re at the point yet in web syndication to let the icon speak for itself. We still have people like my Dad who don’t know what the current icons mean.

Amazon Wishlist 0.1

Well, I am proud to announce the release of a plugin that I created last week because I was bored! Oh wow, you’re all so lucky! Yes sir! Today is the initial release of the WordPress Amazon Wishlist plugin! This plugin will allow you to display, from your wishlist:

  • A small picture of the item you desire
  • The title of this thing you wish to own, with a link to’s product page
  • The date you added it to your wish list
  • A link to your wishlist
  • A count of items on your wish list
  • And, if you like lots of stuff, lots of pages of desirable goodies!

Interested in this for your blog? Well, you’re in luck, you can find out more info by viewing the plugin page. From there you can find more info on how to setup the plugin as well on how to troubleshoot common problems with the plugin. Oh, yea, and with that I present to you my wishlist.

I *heart* Dreamhost

It seems that every Dreamhost newsletter brings some good news. This month was no different:

That’s right! Every week, your plan limits will grow as follows, at
absolutely no charge:

L1: 20MB disk and 1GB bandwidth each week!
L2: 40MB disk and 1.5GB bandwidth each week!
L3: 60MB disk and 2GB bandwidth each week!
L4: 80MB disk and 2.5GB bandwidth each week!

Now we get Ruby on Rails as well!

If I wasn’t making myself clear, DreamHost now supports Ruby on Rails
right out of the box (so no further need to follow the crazy
instructions for doing it yourself like people were posting at, along with FastCGI (which you pretty much need –
unless you prefer Ruby on Snails).

Aww, thanks Dreamhost!

Relative Paths are Bad!

Gah! I just spent the past hour or so trying to find out why I have been getting HTTP 500 errors on the info crew website that I’m working on. Well, it’s because I was using a relative path and not a static path! Add that to the fact that I have a bunch of .htaccess rules that filter content around and no wonder it didn’t work. In any case, it’s working now.

Also, the Flickr API is wicked easy to use.

1.5.1 Broke My Feeds

Now, when I upgraded to WP 1.5.1 the other day I thought all was well, but I guess the RSS feeds got busted. After reading about it as a bug, I am taking the suggested advice and making this post to hopefully fix the issue. But, we’ll see how long this lasts. I’ve tried the patches and they don’t seem to be working. I guess I’ll have to take another look at it when I get home after work.