Here’s some video of Jamie, my Mom, and I feeding the Seagulls at Stanley Park in Vancouver, B.C.
Author: Ryan
Butchart Gardens Facepalm
Butchart Gardens » Originally uploaded by Jamie.
Looks like I had too much flowers for one day.
But I drank almost an entire pot of tea, which was good :)
Upgraded to WordPress 2.6
WordPress 2.6 was just recently released and has a few new features and quite a few bug fixes. Probably a worthwhile upgrade if you are running WordPress. Plus, it has a nifty “Press This!” bookmarklet that you can quickly blog with (such as I am doing now for this entry).
Bike Stolen
Bike Rack » Originally uploaded by rprins.
Sometime in the last week my Gary Fisher Paragon mountain bike was cut loose from its lock and taken from the secure garage at my condo. In this picture it is the bike on the left. It has Shimano XT components and clipless pedals that are Red. It should also have a Minnesota bike license on it from several years ago. If you happen to see it or see it for sale online, please let me know.
WaMu Family Fourth 2008 Fireworks
Happy Fourth of July!
WaMu Family Fourth » Originally uploaded by rprins.
Hope that you all were able to go out and enjoy the Fourth of July yesterday. Lucky for us in Seattle, the rain missed us and we were able to enjoy a pretty fantastic fireworks show on Lake Union. You can check out my entire set of photos from the night in my WaMu Family Fourth 2008 Photo Set.
Seattle Skyline at Dusk
Seattle Skyline at Dusk » Originally uploaded by rprins.
Here’s the view from my new place (w/ Jamie) at dusk this past weekend.