On the night before the 1st, Jules gave Jamie her gift.
The look on her face was just filled with complete bliss.
She gave it a squeeze of the arm and it all came alive.
We stood and we watched and we just about died.
Watching Jamie play with her gift was just fun. She was so happy that it was just hard to comprehend. I can’t even begin to describe it. Yes, she was so excited. The pictures can’t even begin to describe it. But, below you can see that she her playing with her new toy. It was just so funny. Now Jules has set the bar for me in regards to getting her a gift. Hrm… now I need to start thinking of what to get her for Christmas.
And lastly, the other picture is her nursing her new toy. We will have to see how long she can stand the Jingle Pals. I’d imagine that Jules will get annoyed with this pretty fast and will destroy it. Then Jamie will be sad. Ah, the perfect opening to make her happy. Yes! That’s it! Jules, destroy it and I will be her savior! Muhaha!