Birthday Weekend

Yesterday was my birthday and what a better way to celebrate than to get sun burned on half of your body! Well, no, I can think of better ways, but I did have a blast with those who came out to Golden Gardens. The potluck was way fun and cool and I think that the concept of a potluck equals win. Now, if only my body would appreciate the sun like Jamie’s does, then I’d be set.

The night before, my parents, Jamie, and myself went out to Oceanaire for dinner. Unlike times in the past when I have been there, the food wasn’t that great. I think it was just my meal, because everybody else seemed to enjoy their meal quite a bit. But, I think I’ll be staying away from seafood for a while.

To make up for the bad food from Saturday night, well, not really, this was planned in advance, we went to Daniel’s Broiler down in Leschi Bay. This night the food was much better and I left feeling much better than I did the night before. So, as usual with Daniel’s, the food was great. Like I was saying during the day yesterday… steak and chocolate. And yes, it was amazing.

So, really, that’s my weekend in a nutshell… a really small one at that. But, I forgot to say that Trevor and I, well, mainly Trevor… I read a Maxim, worked on on Saturday. We’re just awaiting some comps from Aaron *cough* *cough* to begin the visual aspect of the site and we hope to have it to you sometime next month.

With not that much said about my weekend… here’s to being 23! Hip Hip Hooray!