Minor Site Changes

Well, I finally caved in. I have made the decision to remove /blog from all things on this site when it comes to posts. You will still see that the directory is active, only because it houses images. Currently, I am using .htaccess rules to have a seamless transition on those parts of the site. So, what does this mean for you? Well, I will be removing all of the feeds from /blog. I know that many of you on bloglines use this for your feed. But, come the end of June I will be completely removing the .htaccess forward for this feed. In short, it will 404 and stop working. So, update your feed/bookmark to the new address today!

  • Site: http://www.lazyi.net/
  • RSS: http://www.lazyi.net/feed/

Also, my permalink structure has removed the /blog from all of them as well. I’ll be tweaking the .htaccess to break all of those posts that you’ve so kindly linked in the past. However, have no fear! I hope to implement the search page to try to find the post if somebody comes to the site and the page is not found. When that will get done, who knows. But, it’s on my list of things to do.

So, in the meantime I say thanks for being patient while I clean house and flesh out my permanent structure for my site.