Fourth of Jul-Ivar’s

Yup, what is Independence Day without seeing fireworks? Ok, yeah, it is celebrating 228 years of Independence, but it is all about the fireworks! So, we got off our lazy butts and went down to Pier 70 to check out the Fourth of Jul-Ivar’s that was going on down there.

When we finally got downtown from my place we had to take another bus to get to Pier 70, since it is quite a bit north of where we got off the bus. However, this bus ride greeted us with a scent of something foul and we were more than happy to leave the bus and head towards the pier.

Once we arrived at the pier we were greeted with many Seattle Police Officers and a sign that we wanted to get a picture in front of. So, what do you do? Yup, take a pic w/ The Rock… er… some random cop that just happens to look a little bit like The Rock.

Then it was off to walk around for a little bit to check out the sights and the three stages of live entertainment. I must say that the musical acts that were playing were quite good and that the atomosphere that was around was enjoyable to just relax in and view the fireworks. But, of course, no holiday is complete without some food.

We sucked it up and paid the fair prices and got some food to tie us over until the show began. As you can see from the picture below the food was good enough to eat and we lived to be able to tell about it.

After the food and a fantastic sunset (see below), it was time for the show.

The fireworks show was really good and lasted about 20-25 minutes. They were launced off right in front of where we were sitting and if you were watching on KOMO4 you saw eactly where we were sitting (the camera guy was just to the right of me). Yeah, good fireworks. But, not as good as the ones I saw in Colorado that were at the Air Force Academy. I think those were good because they like to light stuff on fire and watch it explode. But, hell, that’s just me. Anyways, here is a taste of what we saw last night.

On the way home traffic was really bad getting out of downtown. If we had bikes we could have escaped downtown faster, but the Metro had to do. After taking what seemed to be too long to get out of downtown, we got off of the bus and began to walk. We figured that as long as we beat the metro to Eastlake & Harvard we were ok. Also, it was nice out and the bus was stuffy and just not a pleasant place to be. After walking around 13 blocks we beat the Metro back to the stop we would have gotten of at. So, it was more exciting that we walked 13 blocks faster than the Metro could. Of course, after our speed walking we were pretty dead and it was time to just crash and call it a night.