
Tonight I went to the Cinerama to see Collateral with Anthony and Geritt. The ramp that we parked in was so low that I was afraid of hitting my head on the I-Beams. Geritt’s antena on his truck was twanging all the way up until we parked. It was humorous to the point that it was silly. But, back to the movie… I had heard good things about this movie and wanted to see it. From what I read I was excited, but was I so excited when I left? Continue reading “Collateral”

Bourne Supremacy

Last night I went to see the Bourne Supremacy at Majestic Bay with the Info Crew. I was really looking forward to seeing this movie because it looked really good in the trailers and the end of Identity just lent itself to this movie.

We didn’t have the best of seats in the theatre (3rd row), so the movie was quite shaky throughout. But, the storyline of this movie added a lot to where the first movie left off. So, for me, it was worth seeing and I would recommend it to anyone.

I would usually have more of a review on this but I just want to end by saying this: Go see it. It’s that simple.

King Arthur

Last night Tho, Jamie, My Brother Paul, and I went and saw King Arthur at Meridian.

The movie was the basic tale of Arthur and his knights and the film was done very well. It wasn’t blow me away good, but the film was very well done. For a movie that was 2 hours long it went by really quick. I would say that if you like medieval history that you should go and see this movie. It is not an epic like Gladiator (which I say a lot), but it was good. The acting by the Arthur and Guenevere characters was very good and it added a lot to the film. The scenery was fabulous, but the story was just too similar to other movies coming out in this genre. Even though this story is really different from the others.

So, I’d recommended the movie if you like medieval history or the story of Arthur, but other than, wait for the rental.

Harry Potter 3

Last night was the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban with the crew from Stevens Court. We saw the movie at the Majestic Bay Theatre in Ballard. This movie theatre has to be one of the nicest in the Seattle area. What made me enjoy it even more was when the owner came into the theatre before the movie was shown and personally welcomed us to his theatre and spoke about its history. It is personal attention like that which makes me want to go back to a place like the Majestic Bay. So, last night was spent at a kickin’ theatre watching a kickin’ movie.
Continue reading “Harry Potter 3”

Night of Troy

Went and saw Troy with the info crew on Saturday night. I mean, we only had to sit out 3 sold out showings of it until our 10pm showing. But, it was a good movie. Not knock your socks off like Gladiator was the first time you saw it (or every time in my case). But, it was a very good story. It makes me want to read up on the mythology of it this summer. I think that is one of the things to add onto the list of things that I want to do this summer. But, yeah… Good movie. I’m sure that I’ll end up purchasing the movie when it comes out. No night is complete without some pictures of the event of the night… or us screwing around in Starbucks. I mean, is there really a difference? I would like to think not.
Continue reading “Night of Troy”

Lost in the Translation

Everyday we all walk around bringing to this world something unique and different. Do we act how we want to act, or are we influenced to be someone else to act as a person who we really are not? Should I take an action because it is the “socially” correct thing to do, or should it be because of what I want to do? What is it about society that puts all of this pressure on us? Will we ever have the answer to these questions?

Those are just some of the things that were running through my mind tonight after watching Lost in Translation. It just made me think a bit about the above questions. I mean, I would like to think that I am more of myself than I am of what other people want me to be, but I cannot be too sure sometimes. I think that I do a pretty good job being just me and being true to myself and never tying to be someone that I am not. This is just my perspective but it is nice to know who you really are. Sometimes the only way to know this is from your friends and people who know you more than just a name and a face. But it is just interesting to challenge your own thinking for a moment and to take a step back to reflect for a moment on how you really are.

I see myself as one who will stick to his word and will nine times out of ten tell you exactly what is on my mind and not regret any word of it. But at the same time I am extremely shy and sometimes just sit back and watch things happen and I can look and see a different perspective of things. This can be good, but at times opportunities are lost, by maybe they are salvaged as well by being like this. It’s nice just to be lost for a little while and to be found again. You have the chance to take a step back to think about who you are what you are as well.

Current Thought/Emotion: Tired and ready for the weekend.

The Passion of the Christ

Tonight I saw this movie with the iSchool crew and I’m speechless. I’m not one that is easily moved, but I was pretty emotional at the end of the movie. I don’t know what it was exactly. It seemed like there was just too much there for me to handle. The movie was pretty heavy, but I would recommend to everyone to go and see it. You won’t be disappointed.

Current Feeling/Emotion: Drained